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Long Realty sells most expensive property since 2007

Long Realty Company has just struck a deal that's netted them the most money of any single home in the Tucson area in fourteen years.

A property just northwest of the Sabino Canyon recreation area that spans approximately eleven thousand square feet has been sold for roughly $4 million. Among the property's luscious features: seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms, and an enormous pool. According to Inside Tucson Business, the pool itself was worth a million dollars, or a quarter of the property's total value.

But although the sale was the highest in the greater Tucson area in almost a decade and a half, it isn't a mere anomaly. On the contrary, Tucson has quietly been developing a pattern of selling expensive homes in 2021. Through the first eight months of the year, eleven different houses have been bought for at least three million dollars.

Leslie Heros was named as the listing agent for the deal, and George Palmer was listed as the selling agent.

“This is so exciting for Tucson to have a home sold for over $4 million,” Heros told Inside Tucson Business. She went onto add that a variety of variables had a hand in the record-breaking sale, including “shifts in the market, like people wanting more space this last year and Tucson becoming increasingly more enticing to people—as it deserves… We are grateful for the support of the community—both within Long Realty and Tucson—and all the new people who have discovered our gem of a city over the last year.”

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